Wednesday, October 06, 2004

VP Debate Winner

It appeared to me that Cheney had less air time (potentially because Cheney often had one sentence rebuttals).
The most important thing I learned from the VP debate, is that BOTH parties are very much providing "more of the same". Kerry/Edwards'stance on Iraq (which is apparently the majority of their platform) is the soldiers are there and let's get them home as soon as feasible and try to get the UN on board. Bush and Cheney on Iraq is the same but they have given up on the UN. A duck is a duck is a duck.
The debate felt more like a high school confrontation, with each sparring and throwing jabs...I kept waiting for the crowd to go "ooooooooohhhhhhhhhh!" And it even climaxed at a personal jab (about Cheney's lesbian daughter). I was hoping Cheney would go across the table but alas reality tv was not on last night...
Perhaps I have truly become cynical, but I don't believe anyone wins these debates. I got the feeling there were more foreigners watching the debate and laughing at the "stupid americans".
that's my thoughts.


Blogger azzurri said...

I think Edwards didn't need to bring up Cheney's daughter at all (it didn't support his stance, it didn't seem "heart felt" and I don’t give him any compassion points)...I believe Cheney had no comment because he'd wanted to avoid it. This issue is again, another example of "more of the same" from BOTH parties.

5:15 PM


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