Thursday, February 01, 2007


So, I think I finally will deserve the self prescribed moniker for this blog...

Are sitting down? (nevermind)

I am learning hebrew. Biblical hebrew.

and it is so great.

so I need some way to document what i am learning as a i hope to blog it...

The first letter of the hebrew alphabet is aleph.

Aleph designates the number one and means father, leader, or spirit/essence. It is a gutteral sound and has not sound of its own.

It is the first character in the following words: names for God...El, Elohim, Eloha, Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh, Adonia (not sure about this one because some translations use the Jehovah which started in the last thousand years, so...), Adon Olam, Adir.

It also is the first character in the word for father.

It also is used in the first "word" in the bible, you know genesis 1:1 In the begining...That is one word in hebrew = bereshit (I know, I i was saying) the middle section of the word bereshit means head or chief and the first and last characters mean Bet-El (God).

Cool huh?