Friday, May 19, 2006

U2 44

wake up dead man

But now you've walked off and left us,
you've disgraced us and won't fight for us.

You sold your people at a discount—
you made nothing on the sale.

If we had forgotten to pray to our God
or made fools of ourselves with store-bought gods,
Wouldn't God have figured this out?
We can't hide things from him.
Get up, God! Are you going to sleep all day?
Wake up! Don't you care what happens to us?
Why do you bury your face in the pillow?
Why pretend things are just fine with us?
And here we are—flat on our faces in the dirt,
held down with a boot on our necks.
Get up and come to our rescue.
If you love us so much, Help us!


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