Monday, October 11, 2004


So my best friend asks me two questions about blogging...why? and what's with your name?

I haven't figured out why...other than I have read some interesting blogs... and to keep my friends from far away abreast with my coffee...I'm now a coffee fiend (I never drank coffee other than the occassional overpriced, I need a jolt to stay awake/warm fix. And now it's everyday and I can critique the roast and the brew and enjoy "cupping").

(speaking under my breath to my self to revert from digressing anymore...)

(a natural name would have been "in paranthesis" since I love my (paranthesis), but that is probably taken too...)

The name came from a radio talk personality who would stereotype "conservative christians" as religious nut jobs. I am certain some of my neighbors would term me a religous nut. So, it sort of fits, although politically I am more complex than falling in line with the religious right.

As an aside...I hope strangers who may read this realize that no matter whose blog you read you really don't know that person (even though they may be sharing their personal opinions, thoughts and feelings) and so, if you read this and want to "write me off", so be it.

I think I am going through a good journey...and this mine.


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