Thursday, October 28, 2004

...last thoughts as you go to the polls...

(I apologize to others who may read this but it is written in first person refering to conversations had years ago with my friend anonymous).

You and I have discussed that there are certain issues that "religous nut jobs" make primary issues in their platforms that will not be part of the legislation impacted by their election (ie. as as example, saying you are pro-life knowing that the elected offical will not sponsor legislation effecting abortion, but budget issues deserve attention and are secondary platform issues).

To me the war in Iraq is just that kind of issue (and morally, even more of a benign issue than abortion with the rise of stem cell research and the potentional upcoming appointments to the supreme court, etc.).

Kerry is going to "accelerate" our troop removal, but not much else is different from his "plan".

Kerry wants to police the war on terror and Bush wants to fight it over seas. This is a real issue and worthy of debate. (Personally, I am not comfortable with the thoughts of police civilians on the roof tops of buildings with assault rifles here in America; which is the european way - and it should be noted that this does not deter terrorist attacks but becomes a way of controlling the population. There is something "un-free" and un-American about policing terrorism.)

But what about social security, health care and the economy. These issues are not secondary, but primary and yet not being discussed.

Perhaps, what really is happening is that Kerry has given people (forgive me for such bland term) a simple excuse/arguement for voting for him. Something they can grasp, no matter what their education level, because arguing for or against a flat tax is not a short discussion.

I've heard people say "We are taking back America". The war in Iraq is a battle cry for people who truly beleive that democrats have the answers.

The irony is, I believe, if the democrats had just stuck to the real issues, they could have won. Hillary realizes this now. The most nervous democrat on November 2nd will not be anticipating taking residence on Pennsylvania Ave in January 2005, but was planning for 2009.



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